Innovations & Trends

What Are Two Major Concerns Regarding Iot Devices? (Select Two.)

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, collecting and sharing data. IoT devices include everything from smartphones and wearables to home appliances and industrial equipment. While IoT technology offers many benefits, such as increased efficiency and convenience, there are also significant security and privacy concerns to consider. In this article, we will discuss two major concerns regarding IoT devices: data privacy and security vulnerabilities.

Data Privacy Concerns with IoT Devices

One of the top concerns with IoT devices is how consumer data is collected and used. Many IoT devices gather vast amounts of data about users, including location data, usage patterns, and health metrics. This data could contain sensitive and personal information. Unfortunately, many IoT devices lack transparency about how this data will be used, shared, or sold to third parties.

Some of the key data privacy concerns with IoT devices include:

  • Lack of informed consent: Many consumers are unaware of the extent of data collection by IoT devices and have not expressly consented to this collection.
  • Data aggregation: Even non-sensitive data can become sensitive when combined with other data points. Aggregated IoT data profiles may reveal more about users than they realize.
  • Unexpected secondary usage: Data collected for one purpose can be used for other purposes without the user’s knowledge or approval.
  • Overcollection: Some IoT devices collect excess data beyond what is needed for their basic functions.
  • Data retention: Collected IoT data may be retained indefinitely, compounding privacy risks.
  • Unauthorized access: Stored IoT data could be accessed by hackers or other third parties without the user’s permission.
  • Limited consumer control: Users often have little ability to review, edit, delete, or restrict access to the data collected about them.

Data Privacy

Security Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices

The second major area of concern with IoT devices is their security vulnerabilities. IoT devices are essentially small computers that are constantly connected to the internet. This makes them appealing targets for hackers looking to access home networks or data. Unfortunately, many consumer IoT devices lack basic security features, putting users at risk.

Some of the security issues plaguing IoT devices include:

  • Weak default passwords: Many devices have simple default passwords that are easy for hackers to guess. Users often neglect to change these credentials.
  • Unencrypted communications: IoT devices frequently transmit user data over the internet or wireless networks, allowing interception.
  • Software vulnerabilities: Manufacturers rarely update device software to address known vulnerabilities, leaving the door open for exploits.
  • Lack of authentication: IoT devices may not verify a user’s identity before providing access to data streams or remote control.
  • Insecure data storage: Collected IoT data may be stored in the cloud or on devices in an insecure manner.
  • Limited physical security: An attacker with physical access to an IoT device could tamper with its components.
  • DDoS attacks: Infected IoT devices can be used as part of botnets to launch massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on other targets.

Security Vulnerability

Best Practices for Securing IoT Devices

Fortunately, there are steps consumers and manufacturers can take to enhance IoT privacy and security:

  • Change default passwords to strong, unique ones.
  • Review privacy policies to understand data practices.
  • Turn off non-essential features that collect excessive data.
  • Encrypt network communications whenever possible.
  • Isolate IoT devices on their protected networks.
  • Update devices regularly with security patches.
  • Disable remote access if not needed.
  • Scrutinize third-party vendors with access to device data.
  • Use two-factor authentication when available.
  • Register devices under an alias to obscure identity.
  • Access IoT devices only through modern, secure web browsers and apps.

Frequently Asked Questions about IoT Security and Privacy

How can I prevent my IoT devices from being hacked?

  • Change default passwords.
  • Limit access to your home network.
  • Turn off any cloud functionality you don’t need.
  • Set up unique and complex passwords.
  • Disable features allowing remote control over the internet.
  • Examine device privacy settings.
  • Update your router and network security settings.

Do IoT devices record audio and video?

Some IoT devices with microphones or cameras continuously record audio or video. These features raise privacy concerns if not disclosed prominently. Before installing such a device, understand clearly what data it collects and how it’s used. Also, check settings to disable recording if not needed.

What are the risks of a hacked IoT device?

A hacked IoT device could provide access to your other networked devices containing sensitive data like passwords or financial information. Attackers might also use their IoT devices in botnets to launch attacks on other targets. Poor IoT security could also let someone remotely control IoT devices in your home, like door locks or alarms.

What should I look for when buying an IoT device?

When purchasing an IoT device, look for indications of strong security like encryption capabilities, the ability to use long passwords, regular software updates from the manufacturer, and support for two-factor authentication. Read privacy policies carefully to understand how your data will be used. Research the manufacturer’s reputation regarding security.

How can I tell if my IoT device has been compromised?

Signs of a compromised IoT device include strange activity like lights turning on and off, appliances activating randomly, or doors unlocking for no reason. You may observe unusual traffic on your network from the device or see it has connected to unfamiliar servers. Most importantly, reset IoT device passwords if you observe any odd behaviour.


In summary, while IoT devices provide automation and convenience, consumers must weigh important considerations like data privacy and security. Manufacturers should bake strong protections into IoT products, though users must also take steps to guard against risks. With informed choices and proper precautions, the benefits of this transformative technology can be enjoyed safely.

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