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How To Get Honeycomb In Minecraft?

A honeycomb is one of the most underappreciated objects in Minecraft. In Minecraft, a honeycomb can be easily obtained by visiting the beehive or nest. To harvest these honeycombs, the player must wait for it to reach honey level 5 and then cut it with a pair of shears. However, removing honeycomb from a hive or nest is extremely challenging since it enrages the bees to the point that they would attack.

In Minecraft, collecting honeycomb from a hive or bee nest will instantly irritate the bees within and make them hostile to the player. Bees attack players with stinging poison damage; if a swarm is forming an alliance against a player, the player may be killed in the attack. In this article, we will explore how to get honeycomb in minecraft. Let’s get in.

What is the purpose of honeycomb in Minecraft?

The primary use of honeycomb in Minecraft is to construct beehives, which are artificial reconstructions of bee nests.

Since beehives can be built out of wood and honeycomb, these hives appear cleaner and more polished than a real bee nest. They are also much more easily accessible. Bee nests must be collected with a silk touch tool in order to be added to the player’s survival inventory. This can be somewhat laborious, especially at the beginning of the game.

Additionally, honeycomb is used to make beautiful honeycomb blocks that look great as decorations in beehives or honey farms. Since honeycomb is one of the most essential materials in Minecraft, gamers constantly compete for it.

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How to get Honeycomb in Minecraft: Step-by-Step

  1. You will first need a pair of shears in order to obtain a honeycomb. To extract the honeycomb, you must destroy the beehive. You can obtain two Iron Metal objects by melting Iron Ore, and then all you have to do is create a pair of shears with them. One Iron Ingot should be placed in the center slot and the other should be placed in the bottom-left slot of your crafting table.
  2. Looks very simple, doesn’t it? After obtaining a pair of shears, gather your belongings and search to find a beehive. The following regions include honeycomb:
  • Plains
  • Sunflower Plains
  • Extreme Hills
  • Forest
  • Birch Forest
  • Roofed Forest
  1. Hold your shears and wait for the honey to come pouring out of the nest when the bees have finished filling it.
  2. To save yourself from being fatally stung by irate tiny bees, start a fire beneath the nest.
  3. Tap until three honeycombs fall to the ground from the beehive. Remember to gather it up before it vanishes.

A few considerations should be made while acquiring a honeycomb. First, visit other sections of the map as beehives are located in various regions. Secondly, you may have to climb trees to reach beehives. Lastly, in order to get the honeycomb from a broken beehive, make sure you have an empty inventory space.

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Things you can make using a honeycomb in Minecraft

You’re probably thinking about what you could do with a honeycomb in Minecraft now that you’ve found one. Well, stop wondering now! Here are some items in Minecraft that you can create with a honeycomb.

  • The most obvious and fruitful application of a honeycomb is a beehive. You can make a beehive and have an endless supply of honey.
  • In the latest version of Minecraft, honey blocks are brand-new blocks. They can be utilized as fuel, as a construction material, or as a component of Redstone, among other things.
  • You can always use your honeycomb as a decorative item if you decide not to utilize it for anything else. This might be anything, even a straightforward house decoration or work of art.


In Minecraft, honeycombs are frequently found, and we can locate them in beehives with ease. Simply follow the following techniques to quickly and simply get the honeycomb in Minecraft. We hope that now you can easily find honeycomb after this comprehensive guidebook ‘’How To Get Honeycomb in Minecraft’’.

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