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7 Reasons Small Businesses Should Consider Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has increasingly become an important part of the marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes. Even among big changes within the digital marketing landscape that have come about in the last few years, digital marketing is still a key factor when it comes to marketing a business, whether you are doing it alone or working with a Columbus digital marketing agency.

But it can still be easy for small businesses to think that digital marketing may not be beneficial. This can especially happen if a business is struggling to nail down an effective strategy that aligns with their goals. In an increasingly digital world, with a total of 5.35 billion people using the Internet at the start of 2024 alone, using digital marketing to connect with potential customers only continues to become more important.

Without digital marketing, it can be easy to miss out on potential customers, insightful data, and a strong online presence.

Below, we take a look at 7 reasons small businesses should consider digital marketing.

  1. Reach Your Target Customers

While traditional marketing still has a place, digital marketing can help a small business reach even more target customers who are spending time online and may not come across more traditional marketing methods. Digital marketing comes in many forms such as social media marketing, pay-per-click advertising, influencer marketing, and search engine optimization. These digital methods will put a small business in front of target customers based on things like their location, age, gender, interests, and even what type of online searches they are performing.

  1. Increase Web Traffic

Generating web traffic is important to any business that has a website. Web traffic means you can create leads and leads can turn into sales. Digital marketing will encourage potential customers to visit your website and online platforms, no matter what you sell or what you offer in terms of services. Increased web traffic can also help your online presence appear better to search algorithms like Google.

  1. Generate Leads

Digital marketing in different ways will help your customers understand who you are and what you do. By investing in things like social media ads, content on your website like blog posts and landing pages, and even things like video content, you will help your customers know more about your small business – whether you run a local restaurant or a service-based business. Digital marketing efforts will help generate new leads and grow existing ones.

  1. Improve Your ROI

Using digital marketing can help to improve your ROI in the short and long term. Your ROI will depend on different factors like how much you can invest in your digital marketing, how you decide to measure campaigns, and what digital marketing you choose to go with. Consider working with a digital marketing agency, as they will be able to help you understand the impact that your digital marketing choices are having such as whether or not a particular channel like social media or blogging is having the impact you need it to.

  1. Grow Your Online Prescence

If a small business’ online presenceis small or has not been marketed effectively, it can be hard for customers to find you. They may already know about your physical location through other means, but growing your online presence will help you land right in front of your customers. Digital marketing across multiple channels can have quite an impact on connecting your small business with customers. For example, setting up a Google business profile will help your business be indexed by Google and implementing local SEO will help customers find you during local searches.

  1. Key Data Insights

When you work with a Columbus SEO company, they will be able to point out just how important marketing data can be. The insight that you gain from digital marketing will help you further adjust your strategy so you can target the customers you most want to see. For example, if your small business wants to make the most of social media channels, you can use data from your own marketing efforts and reports like HubSpot’s State of Marketing to get an idea of where people are spending time – such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

  1. Even Your Playing Field

As a small business, you know that larger businesses and companies will undoubtedly have a larger advantage when it comes to marketing. They tend to have more in terms of time, resources, and finances to dedicate to marketing of both the digital and traditional variety. Digital marketing is an invaluable investment that can help even your playing field in terms of marketing. You can utilize the tools available to you like your website, social media platforms, and other digital tools to reach out directly to your potential customers.

About the Author

Split Reef is a Columbus digital marketing agency that offers a full suite of digital marketing and digital development services. With two offices located in cross-sectional cities, Split Reef works with a wide range of clients across industries that include small businesses, law firms, service providers, and more. With an experienced team of technical experts on hand, Split Reef uses the latest industry-leading technologies to deliver high quality work across the board. They can address digital marketing needs including SEO services, SEO copywriting, social media marketing, and paid search advertising, among others.

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